Our Products

SFDC File Exporter : A tool to export salesforce files Document-X : Create beautiful team Documents!

Welcome to Our Products page! At our company, we are committed to providing our customers with innovative solutions that are designed to make their lives easier and more efficient. Whether you’re looking for a powerful and reliable SFDC File Exporter, or a versatile, user-friendly Document-X system, we’ve got you covered.

Our SFDC File Exporter is the perfect tool for anyone looking to mass export Salesforce files, documents and files in its original format.

If you’re looking for a comprehensive document management system, look no further than Document-X. Our platform is designed to simplify the complex process of managing and sharing documents across multiple teams and departments. With cutting-edge features like artificial intelligence-powered search and intuitive collaboration tools, Document-X will revolutionize the way you work.

So why wait? Take your business to the next level with our powerful and innovative products today!

SFDC File Exporter

File Exporter

SFDC FILE Exporter is secure, powerful & highly optimized tool that has ability to export all files & attachments from Salesforce in its original format. You can either specify ‘SOQL’ OR CSV file as input to download mass files, documents, attachments & static resources from Salesforce.

Note: None of your Salesforce data is sent to our servers. You can install this tool on your local machine and all your files or attachments will be downloaded on your local machine only.


SFDC File Manager

SFDC File Manager is a salesforce native application which can save your time, effort & money! Now, you can report on Salesfroce Accouts, Cases with files, easily and quickly, just in few clicks!!!
sfdc file manager


Document-X is a collaboration & knowledge share tool built for teams.

Things which you can do-

You can create beautiful documents.
You can share individual or group of documents